Year 4’s Fantastic Maths!


In our workshop we needed to solve seven codes.

We were on a secret mission! One of the tasks was in a secret cupboard and next was the broken school.  This was like a puzzle made out of glass – it was quite easy and the code was B2. At the end we had a mission in a train station and the code was C2.  We solved all the puzzles and we saved the school – hooray!


During maths week we went to a workshop.  There were 7 codes.  There was the farm, the train, the broken school and the wrecked mansion.  There was also a professor’s lab and a hospital where we had to weigh packages to balance the scales and get the code.  My favourite was the farm because I was the leader and we solved it!

In the end, we saved the school.  Aren’t we clever?!

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2 Responses to Year 4’s Fantastic Maths!

  1. Ms S says:

    You certainly are clever, Year 4! Ms Sampson

  2. Katya says:

    I did the Maths Coding Challenge and my team won! It was so much fun. I was Omega and I had to lead at the Wrecked Mansion and we managed to solve it really quickly. Many thanks to the people who organised it, it had to be one of my favourite activities in Maths Week. The other one was when we partnered up with Beech Yr. 3 to do Times Tables Maths Raps. Maths Week ROCKED!!!

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