Author Archives: Deleted User
Year 3 Beach Bums!
Alara – Beech Class:
On Monday we went to Southend it was so fun! My partner was Isobella. Isobella brought some toys. There were two horses to play with then we went to Adventure Island. I went on loads of rides and also we went to the seaside. We had lunch there then went back to Adventure Island. We went on the coach back to school. I said that I want to go there again!
Thank you to our brilliant teachers for organising it!
A Peculiar Adventure!
The Peculiars by Kieran Larwood. (Mary-Kate & Mariyah)
Fancy reading a book about a girl named Sheba? A crab machine that steals children from the Thames? Well this is just the book for you!
This action packed book is stuffed with wonder and curiosity and once you start you cannot stop. Sheba (a wolf-girl) is brave and fierce. Everybody says she has a wonderful head and face of hair and hands of hair. In fact, she is covered with hair from head to toe. She is part of a Freak Show and trust us, you really want to read this. Willow Class have recently been reading this as a class in Guided Reading and our Guided Reading is really fun because we all take it in turns to read aloud.
Write a suggestion in the comments below about a really good book that Willow Class should read next. We hope you enjoyed our blog!
I’m Stuck!
Isobella – Beech Class Year 3
Hello my name is Isobella and I need your comments! I am stuck for iat the moment! Here are 2 books and their blurbs.
Amelia Fang and the Barbaric Ball: Meet Amelia Fang who loves playing goblin tag and cuddling her pet pumpkin, Squashy! She hates going to her mum and dad’s barbaric ball. Oh! and one more thing, Amelia is a vampire.
The Rescued Puppy: Twins Georgia and Adam cannot wait to go on holiday to the seaside especially as they are taking their lively puppy Lucky with them!
Please choose one of these lively books and I will read it. I will then write a review to tell you all about it.
Thank you for your help, Isobella.
Year 4 News Bulletins!
Blog 1 – Shyaama, Lily & Rebecca – Elm
Hey Blog Club Readers!
Today we are going to tell you about when Tom McLaughlin came! After he talked in assembly we bought books or £5 each. He signed them and we couldn’t stop reading the books after we got them!
Thanks for reading!
Blog 2 – Shyaama & Rebecca – Elm
Welcome to our second blog! We’re going to tell you about the buzz games we are making. We have tested these out and we would love for other classes to come and test them! Are you interested?
Thank you for reading our blog!
Best Day Ever (Year 4)!
Benajmin Franklin Trip
Hello Blog Club Readers!
Yesterday Juniper Class had the best day ever! We went to Benjamin Franklin’s house/museum. First we went in to the house – the floor was very crooked and the floor boards all creaked. That house is very odd!
Benjamin Franklin was born in the US. Before he came to the UK he did the key experiment. He flew a kite in the sky and at the bottom of it was a key. The lightning struck and the electricity traveled down the kite, in to the key and then in to the ground. Not long after the experiment Benjamin moved to the UK.
His first job was a candle and soap maker with his dad. There were so many rooms! I remember the letter room – every day Ben would wake up early and write letters. Well folks, I have got to go now – Bye!
Hello Blog Club Readers! Yesterday Juniper Class had the best day ever! We went to Benjamin Franklin’s house. We went in to the basement because that is where we put our bags down and we introduced ourselves to the people who work there.
Then we we went in the room where one of the work ladies gave us a bunch of antiques and we played a game and it was fun!
Stand and Deliver!
The Highwayman – Mariyah and Mary-Kate
Hello blog club readers!
Year 5 have recently been reading the Highwayman book in class and so far, so good! Our class love it because there is a lot of suspense and we would recommned it to people aged 9+. The illustrations (by Charles Keeping) are indescribable because they have a lot of detail and creativity.
The story is about a Highwayman and a young woman named Bess who are both in love. Next…wait! Am I giving away too much information? I guess I have to stop writing.
Good bye!
Look out! Internet Safety Day!
Mariyah, Mary-Kate & Alfie
On Tuesday 6th February it was Internet Safety Day. It is important to stay safe on teh internet as there could be abusive messages, bugs or viruses. If you find someone being bullied online, help them because it hurts them, mentally, to be bullied with words. If you are being bullied tell an adult or report them.
When you are playing games and someone is being rude to you try and ignore it. If they do it again report it, ask somebody to help you or block the person and join somebody else. Don’t be mean to people on line and remember: treat others the way you would like to be treated!
The Scottish Play!
Mariyah, Alfie & Mary-Kate
On Friday 9th March Willow Class performed one of William Shakespeare’smost famous tragedies, Macbeth. Many people thought that the play was dramatic because of the production team; Alfie, Tanya & Charlie L. It was a comedy version and lots of people laughed throughout the play. It was all down to Ms Sampson who wrote the whole thing! For special thanks we thank Zhane for being a brilliant actor, Ben who was good at fake-dying and Humaira for being an amazing sarcastic messenger.
After the play everybody that was in it got a WAFTA (Willow Award for Terrific Acting) and we had biscuits! If you watched it, please tell us what you thought of it in the comments below…
Attendance Award!
Alara – Beech Class
Today, when I went to assembly and when Miss Houchin said there were two Attendance Awards for classes with 100% I was very excited. She called the classes and it was Elm & Beech Class. I was very happy – so much! Even my teacher was happy because we had never had 100 points yet and now we do. My friends were very happy too!
Saving the Pool!
Isobella – Beech Class
On the 1st May my class did swimming lengths. Firstly, group 1 got dressed and sat on a bench. Before we got in Mr Collis named the first people to head to the pool. I went in second. While I waited me and two of my friends played coconut-crack!
Then, the rest of us got in and started swimming for 10 mins. Everyone used a float at some point but I DIDN’T! I actually thought I could do 15 lengths. I started my 19th length as the timer ended but I was marked at 19 lengths, phew! I had earlier in April got 2 wrist bands – 1 for my sister and 1 for me.
I quite enjoyed doing our lengths. My fave subject is actually swimming!