Author Archives: Deleted User
Year 4
Year 4 (22nd May)
Part 1: You’re never too young to apply for work!
Breaking news! Year 4 have signed up to be in the Roman army. Some of them want to be Legates, Archers, Doctors and even Mechanics. But, are they up for it? 20 km walks with heavy armour! People come from all over Italy and other parts of the world.
Even more breaking news! Year 4 are trying to get away from their teachers too by trying to get in to the army! But, if they are let in, will their teachers let them go…? (Ethan, 4H) (Army Application Form)
Part 2: Drama Workshop
Rumours have been spreading around 4H about a drama workshop on Tuesday. The day finally came and we were ready! We walked to the hall where 2 men taught us drama. We have been learning about the Romans and Caesar and the class was all about this! We acted 4 scenes from his life. After this we had to put keys under the teacher’s chair and get back to our end of the hall without being seen! (Ben, 4H)
Part 3: The Museum of London
Last Monday, at 9 o’clock we set off to get the train to the Museum of London. On the train, Joe and I were talking about Transformers and which movie we liked the most. I personally loved the second one!
When we got to the museum we looked around and wrote on our answer sheets. We learned that rich people could afford beds, chairs, windows, mosaics and poor people had no bed, chairs, blocked windows, earth floors and no space! Everyone loved the trip because it brought our topic alive! Over all, it was a very good experience. Thank you to our lovely teachers for organising such a fun day! (Amir Ali, 4S)
Year 3
Year 3 (22nd May)
An exciting week of film making!
Last week was so brilliant! 3B made short films.
- Day 1: We made a start in planning.
- Day 2: We made pictures that we can make in to props and backgrounds.
- Day 3: Learn how to use I-movie and film people!
- Day 4: Decorate props and backgrounds.
- Day 5: Film, yeah!!
It was the best week ever and so good we want to do it again please!! It was an amazing lesson. Thank you teachers for so much fun!! (Lily, 3B)
A fantastic trip to the RAF Museum!
Last week our class went on a trip to the RAF museum, it was about World War 2. It was really exciting because we got to see all of the airplanes. My favourite one had shark’s teeth painted on the airplane. It is called a Kittyhawk. We wore these uniforms that they wore in the real World War 2! Also, there was this really cool play area and there were small and wooden airplanes that you can go and play inside. Me and my friend played hide and seek! We met a man from World War 2 who explained what happened in the war. He also gave us passports in case the Police caught us and thought we were spies!
It was a REALLY fun trip and thank you so much to our teachers for planning it. It was really fun and exciting. (Dina, 4C).