Author Archives: Deleted User
Thoughts on Year 6!
Year 6 is a hard year to come in to after a long summer break. However, it is also good to know that it is your last year in Primary School and your life is moving so quickly it’s unbelievable. The Year 6 teachers are very supportive of the us but it must be difficult to teach 30 kids in a class! There’s good times and there’s bad times then there’s VERY bad times (like 1 minute of flexi-time, OH NO!).
We’d like to stay at Cromer Road but good times have to end. We interviewed Year 6 pupils and here’s what they had to say:
Noor, Nathan, Liam and Ryan all say that they like year 6! Rahool says that he likes Miss Zanre. Natasha and Jenifer say that they think you have a lot of responsibility in Year 6 whilst Samien said that there are a lot of hard tests! Sara agrees that there is a lot of responsibility but thinks that we are setting good examples to others! Bobby says that he likes Year 6 so far and that the teachers are very funny. Amelie agrees, saying that there are fun games.
So, we have found out that most people are enjoying Year 6 so far. Let’s see what they think at the end of the year…
Ben & Ella
Rocky Experiments!
Ella & Jude (Beech)
On Friday, after lunch, we had science. We had rocks, vinegar and water. Olivia put the water in a cup and put the rock in to that. It was like the rocks drank the water, they absorbed it! Then we put the rock in some vinegar. Then we watched to see if it would fizz up. It didn’t. After we had wet the rocks and they dried up, they had another layer of rock on them.
Top Fact: Did you know? If you put vinegar on a rock and it fizzes then it is chalk.
Mathstastic Lessons in Year 5!
Mary-Kate (Willow) & Hope (Sycamore)
On Friday we had a really cool maths lesson. We learnt the 24 game. It was fun but it was tricky! We have to use a set of number and see how many ways we could make 24!
It could be frustrating and annoying when you couldn’t work it out but most people were able to solve it.
Why don’t you have a try? How many ways can you make 24 using 2,5,7 & 7?
Meet our New Deputy!
By Mariyah & Ben (Willow Class)
Cromer Road is very lucky to have a new deputy head called Ms Alpern. The students of year five have interviewed her and here is some the information we have found out.
This fantastic deputy head loves English and maths. Especially she likes doing problem solving and writing. She is an excellent baker who really enjoys reading and listening to music.
Interestingly, she went to Broadfield primary school in Edgware and stayed there from reception to Year 6. She has taught at Pinner Park Infant School for 8 years and then Summerswood Primary School, also for 8 years.
She said that she would like to improve our learning environments with a focus on interactive learning.
Good news! She has said that she would like to teach any class here in school as the children are all fantastic!
We hope Miss Alpern has a wonderful time at Cromer Road and that she enjoys her new job as deputy head.
Year 4 – Sept ’14
Lenny (Juniper Class)
We are doing lots of learning in Maths. Today we were learning about numbers to the nearest 10 and everyone completed it! We all passed and my class did well.
Rebecca (Elm)
Hello! Year 4 is learning about Africa, here are some facts:
Did you know that Africa is the 2nd largest continent in the world? And in the 1950’s and 1960’s many oral stories from Ghana were written down so they could be used in school?
Thank you for reading!
Ki-myrah (Elm)
We are having an amazing topic! It is the continent called Africa. Did you know Africa covers 6% of the world and is the second largest continent in the world? Madagascar is off the coast and has some of the most wildlife but there are problems with tourists!
We love our topic, Africa!
Year 3 Sept ’17
Kayson & De’Niro (Maple Class)
In Year 3 our topic is Rocks. Did you know in the Stone Age they didn’t have electricity? They did not have beds? There are different types of rocks.
In class we put some rocks in a cup with water. We then added in some vinegar. And then the rock fizzed and white bubbles came out! We did different experiments. Some rocks float and some sink! We put the rocks in water to see if the water would change colour and it did!
We love our topic about Rocks! We like our topic because it is fun!
Ella & Jude D (Beech Class)
On Jeans for Genes day we first did some maths and after we went to the hall to do some drama. We pretended to swim around the hall! We went to see the biggest fish that no one has seen. We played a game called ‘freeze’ where we froze as fish and then took pictures of it! After drama we went to lunch.
Mrs Lapham made some funny faces and it was the best day ever!
Yr 5 Football Fairness
We are concerned with our lunchtime football being too aggressive. Here’s our advice… (Jamie, 5B and Noor, 5HT)
Slide Tackles:
Slide tackles are very rough and people are getting injured because of slide tackling. People are starting to complain. Please stop. We want our play times to be fun in school. Thank you!
Goalies and strikers are the most popular players in Year 5, it’s unimaginable the fighting over it! We want to see nice games of football, starting from today…
Tackling and Slide Tackling:
Tackling and slide tackling is now being too aggressive and arguments are going on about football. We want you to play nicely with each other. Arguments with referees are unacceptable!
If someone collides with you while playing you DO NOT push them! You tackle them or let them have the ball. I recommend you give them the ball to avoid any injuries. Thank you!
Year 4 (19.6.2017)
Shield Yourself!
We painted on a sheet of card in red then we decorated the shields. We had gold and silver foil and cut out some designs and stuck them on to the shields. We had three lessons to finish the shields. When we had finished we took pictures and pretended to be in the roman army.
It was really fun being in the Roman Army. If Cromer Road School is ever attacked Year 4 will help you! (Ben, 4H)
The Kilometer Run
4H has done the Kilometre run two times every week. The length of the Km run is two times around the field. Some people do it 3 times around the field! The people that do it 3 times are: Dexter, Ethan, Ben, Alex, Zhane, Nicholas, Charlie and Varun. I am happy to say that 4H are the fittest and they are improving their class time! (Ethan, 4H)
Year 3 (19.6.2017)
Happy Hindu Temple Trip!
I went on a school trip to a Hindu Temple and when we got there we saw a really enormous temple! Inside all of the temple was made out of marble there were gold and silver statues of Hindu Gods. We saw a show about these Hindu people. Our guide showed us a lot of things and he spoke to us and we asked him questions. After that, we saw lots more golden statues then we had lunch at the park. (Dina, 3C)
Year 5
Egyptian Day (2 unique perspectives)!
Last Wednesday in Year 5 it was Egyptian Day! Ancient Egyptians has been our topic all term. Did you know how they made the mummies? They cut their belly open, removed the organs a part from the heart and filled it with salt! They also removed the brain by hooking it through the nose. To preserve the body, they poured oil over it and wrapped it in linen. You better watch out!
We made ink by crushing and grinding charcoal. After that, we add gems/brown/white rocks and we kept grinding and crushing. When it’s like powder we added water. We practiced writing hieroglyphics on normal paper and when we were ready we got a reed pen and wrote on the papyrus. I wrote my name (Noor). (Noor, 5HT)
Perfume Cones
Me and Liam made a cinnamon, lavender seeds, honey rock perfume cone with wax. We sealed it over so when it was dry the wax would smell like that. We were only allowed to use 3 materials each but me and Liam did it together. We put it in our bag and then we did something else…
Bread Making
Me and Liam made some bread but it was disgusting because it had 2 spoonfuls of salt! Do not use too much salt! Then we used some water and flour then we mixed it and made the dough in to whatever shape we wanted. Then you can put barley on it if you want. It does not make a difference! (Jamie, 5B)