Year 5

Egyptian Day (2 unique perspectives)!

Last Wednesday in Year 5 it was Egyptian Day!  Ancient Egyptians has been our topic all term.  Did you know how they made the mummies?  They cut their belly open, removed the organs a part from the heart and filled it with salt!  They also removed the brain by hooking it through the nose.  To preserve the body, they poured oil over it and wrapped it in linen.  You better watch out!

We made ink by crushing and grinding charcoal.  After that, we add gems/brown/white rocks and we kept grinding and crushing. When it’s like powder we added water.  We practiced writing hieroglyphics on normal paper and when we were ready we got a reed pen and wrote on the papyrus. I wrote my name (Noor).  (Noor, 5HT)

Perfume Cones

Me and Liam made a cinnamon, lavender seeds, honey rock perfume cone with wax.  We sealed it over so when it was dry the wax would smell like that.  We were only allowed to use 3 materials each but me and Liam  did it together.  We put it in our bag and then we did something else…

Bread Making

Me and Liam made some bread but it was disgusting because it had 2 spoonfuls of salt!  Do not use too much salt!  Then we used some water and flour then we mixed it and made the dough in to whatever shape we wanted.  Then you can put barley on it if you want.  It does not make a difference!  (Jamie, 5B)


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